Musician • Orchestrator • Arranger

Since 2022 Permanent substitute violinist at the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège
Since 2016 Nord® Keyboards Artist
Since 2016 International tour with Alice on the roof (keyboard & violin)
Since 2015 Mekasonic Recording studio owner
Since 2003 World tour with Salvatore Adamo (violin & piano)
2018-2020 Musical Director at Les Octaves de la Musique Awards TV show
2012-2014 "Kaas Chante Piaf" World tour with Patricia Kaas (violin)
2009-2010 "Finistériens" International tour with Miossec (violin & keyboard)
2006-2007 "L'Étreinte" International tour with Miossec (violin & keyboard)
2006 International tour with William Sheller & Quatuor Stevens (first violin)
2005 International tour with William Sheller (Director and first violin)
2003-2004 "Les Grands Espaces" International tour with Alain Bashung (violin and effects)
2001-2002 World tour with Yann Tiersen (first violin)
2000-2001 International tour with William Sheller (Director and first violin)
1998-1999 International tour with Philippe Lafontaine (first violin)
1998 Second price in jazz violin at Royal Conservatory of Music of Brussels
1996 Higher diploma in Violin with distinction at Royal Conservatory of Music of Liège
1995 Co-founder of the Soledad band
1994 Higher diploma in Chamber music with the greatest distinction at Royal Conservatory of Music of Mons
1992 Higher diploma in Musical analysis with the greatest distinction at Royal Conservatory of Music of Mons
1981 start learning piano & music harmony
1979 start learning violin
1974 born in Belgium